Thursday, December 08, 2005

a long december

photo by mefford williams

well, shanna has made her home in maryland again; while i've stayed in ash-vegas. each of us have been pursuing our own paths towards boosting respective bank accounts in preperation for our trip. shanna is once again a proud employee of powell's auto-parts store, while i've been laying tile and acting as general errand and task boy for penstock productions.

scanning slides at the office, awaiting daniel's return from a business trip:

photo by mefford williams

we had quite a happy thanksgiving with the Meffords. these photos are a long time in comming...

welcome to the family photo shoot: we took things very seriously...

photo by mefford williams

pa and ferrell kept their grins going for the camera while being heckled by family members outside the frame:

photo by mefford williams

philly and i have an incredible sense of humor, especially when family members are posing...

photo by mefford williams

i'm looking forward to seeing all the families in locations in Texas and Maryland later on this month.
i know this may be a photo-centric post, but that's what you're gonna get. if you feel the need to be regailed with stories, give a call.

i will end this post with some kayaking photo love from the extraordinarly mild temperatures of earlier this week:

photo by mefford williams

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm all about the photo-centricness of your blog! I miss seeing you and this way I feel more in touch. I do so love you, Mom