Tuesday, November 22, 2005

close-ups at the tallulah

it was a family affair this last weekend at the tallulah. with maria, philly, shanna, and myself making up the kayaking crew while mateo held down the fort in the shuttle vehicle.
i just brought along the big camera lens on the river this time; so we've got some close-up action.

Here's philly in the mix of the action at the biggest rapid of the day:

photo by mefford williams

Maria impressed us all by firing-it-up with as much grace and style as the boys:

photo by mefford williams

I had the opportunity to get two good shots of Philly, because he, like myself, likes to hike-up and run the big one twice. Here's my little bro putting his shoulders forward for the big hit at the bottom:

photo by mefford williams

I look forward to having some holiday photos up soon. Much love and Happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

nearly thanksgiving

the holidays are stomping their way ever closer, as is our launch date for new zealand. we still manage to fit in some good times on the river of course.
this past weekend shanna and I met up with philly, adam red beard, and john bubba roeder for an enjoyable, but overcast tallulah sunday.

Here's shanna leading the boys into the mini slotter:

photo by mefford williams

Shanna was firing it up as usual; here she is dropping into Oceana with Adam Red Beard looking on:

photo by mefford williams

I made a pass at "the thing" in Oceana as well. Here I am about to whited-out:

photo by philly williams

Here's philly comming out the bottom unscathed, with the crew in their boats awaiting his post-slide-smile:

photo by mefford williams

Stay tuned for another exciting episode. Same blog time. Same blog channel.

Monday, November 07, 2005

back home in the southeast

we made it. a cross-country drive with little if any trouble. shanna's working with nick, maria, dominique, and matteo while i've headed over to asheville to work with daniel and lvm while waiting for some construction gigs to come in.
We made straight for the river of course; so here's Shanna firing up a slot on the beautifully scenic Tallulah river in Georgia:

photo by mefford williams

Stay updated we should have some more updates and pictures soon. Thanks much to all the family and friends who put us up on our way across the states and much love to all the family and friends we have yet to see.

photo by mefford williams