Wednesday, August 10, 2005

summer's end

My shoes (right) carried me over bishop pass and down the middle kings as their last service in a glorious career spanning east and west coasts with more than 200 river days. Bo's, to the left, are the same model only two weeks old.

photo by Shanna Powell

Over the summer I became even more worn-out than my shoes regarding a couple of things:
1. summer sausage--a nice fat and protein source for the river as the meat doesn't seem to go bad over multiple days of in-kayak storage. I am over "meat stick" as we called it, especially after eating 2 lbs in 5 days on the middle kings adventure.
2. instant oatmeal packets--strawberries and cream, blueberry, banana, peach, raisin, maple and brown sugar. I wouldn't be disappointed if I never saw let alone ate this breakfast again.
3. tuna--another great source of protein for river trips. I have, however, gone well over my recommended 1 can per week; so my mercury levels need to be allowed to come down by avoiding this fish. bagels--great for making your lunch and breakfast sandwiches. only good in moderation as soon you loathe their characteristic flavorings.

Although I had a lot of exposure to my friends Robin, Amos, and Toby, I am not tired of their company and already miss them. Here's a sentimental tribute:

To Toby, the captain of the "summer of terror with toby":

photo by Mefford Williams

photo by Shanna Powell

To Robin, often the only girl on our missions, never the weakest member:

photo by Mefford Williams

photo by Toby MacDermott

To Amos and his epic struggle, sharing his car with Robin and Toby:

photo by Mefford Williams

To Amos and his majestic, narrow-handed rudder that leads him through all manner of class five burliness:

photo by Shanna Powell

Here's the love to ya'll for a fabulous Sierra season.

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