Friday, August 05, 2005

middle fork of the kings begins with ground support

The crew (from left to right) Mefford, Riley, Bo, Amos, Fuzzy, Robin, Toby, Polk, and I (photographer) hiked into the John Muir Wilderness area in the Inyo National Forest on Monday after deciding to hike gear the 12 miles or so into the Middle Fork of the Kings river instead of using mules.

photo by Shanna
Whew, it took two grueling days, but it happened and the crew was able to put on the river on Wednesday. This is Amos hiking in the Dusy Basin.

photo by Shanna
We hiked up and over Bishop Pass (12,000ft), down into and past the Dusy Basin to the Middle Fork of the Kings river. Some of the crew hiked all of their gear in one load, and some did two loads. There is no concensus yet on which way is better.
Dusy Basin

photo by Shanna
With three going back for round two, one ahead, and one behind, Mefford, Amos, Polk and I decided to stop just inside Dusy Basin and camp. As you can see from Mefford's bug net, the mosquitos were brutal here. DEET doesn't even work, I broke down and tried.

photo by Shanna
This marmot was very curious of the crew at camp one, I didn't even need the big lens.

photo by Shanna
This photo of me was taken just below where the river crew put in on the Middle Fork of the Kings river.

photo by Mefford
I had the pleasure of hiking to the confluence of the Middle Kings and Palisade Creek. The water in Palisade creek was too high to cross safely so I decided to camp at the confluence for the night. What a great spot. The mosquitos were the least terrible of the whole trip. I had a fire, read a lot of my book, did some yoga (on a rock overlooking a great slide rapid that the team had run earlier) and just relaxed.

I was visited by a doe and two fawns this evening, the animals here are very curious of people, not afraid or a nuissance, but curious. Pretty awesome, gives one the opportunity to co-exist with the animals in their own habitat, I was only a visitor after all.

The trip for me was 5 days of backpacking. I had a great experience, I will never again carry 8 backpack systems for 15 miles in 2 days though, too much weight. I have also never had such bad blisters on my feet. I am glad I could help though.
Blisters (interesting photos to take by yourself)

photo by Shanna

photo by Shanna
Me with a backpack full of....backpacks?

photo by Mefford
I was able to slow down and enjoy the moments. I was also completely present in what I was doing and would have rather been no where else.

Wildflowers on the north side of Bishop Pass

photo by Shanna

Now I am slowly making my way to the takeout at Pine Flat Reservoir. I posted some blog stuff in Bishop yesterday, slept in Polks van at the Tenaya Lodge south of Yosemite last night and now I am blogging in Oakhurst north of Fresno. It's hot out there, no reason to hurry.

Please leave us comments on the blog and let us know what you think. Please make all comments PG.

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