Saturday, April 26, 2008

get down with your bad self

feeling neglected and under-appreciated? not getting the attention you need from those important folks around you? have no fear. this underground blog is here to help you through your hard times.
i finally got my act together and pirated some serial numbers and am now taking pictures and processing them for publication principally for your enjoyment.
if you've tuned in before, the faces and places may seem familiar. i am wrapping things up as the adventures are moving east across the atlantic to norway for another summer. so here's a look back on the happenings since before my hard-drive crashed:
i've repeatedly visited the second deepest gorge east of the mississippi, home of the linville river.
a view of the river from wise man's overlook:

jay moffatt getting into the action at babel tower

toby, same

looking in at the last big set of obstacles in cathedral gorge:

caleb finishing off the last couple of steps to the car after climbing out from river level on the conely cove trail

with a flexible work schedule, going to the green river is always a tempting option.
auntie maria noakes, cashing in on the benefits of many years of kayaking practice and searching for some deeper meaning in the "groove tube"

here's the groove tube from below. jesse willenski, setting up for a 'hot left' at sunshine. notice the look of apprehension on his face.

robin betz, all smiles as always, loving the action on the rio verde

here's James Ewel Brown Hall firing off the left side of "sunshine":

life wouldn't be the same without yonton mehler around. here's the man himself with a dramatic background at the bottom sunshine:

although you are sitting on your butt and sliding down-hill, you can still build up a massive appetite kayaking. the best place to fill your belly is in the thriving metropolis of dana, north carolina. when you roll into the center of town, before you get to the post office, turn left at the volunteer fire department, a couple hundred yards down in the gas station parking lot on your right are western north carolina's best tacos.
as a texas native, i know a thing or two about authentic tacos. and these babies are the real deal. thanks to the large hispanic population working the apple orchards in the area.
jeb hall harvesting the goods and washing it all down with some home-made orchata: